Mobile application of soccer results and news
Mobile app
The mobile application allows the user to know the results and news of the soccer matches of the most important leagues in the world. It allows users to create a soccer pool and send invites to their friends so they can join. Each pool has all the matches of the selected tournament and users can select the expected results and compete against their friends.
Backend .NetCore 5.0 with Entity Framework Core
Sql Server database
Typescript, ReactJs, Redux-Toolkit, Ant Design
Administrative portal
The mobile app administrative portal is a tool that allows administrators to manage and update app information, as well as monitor app usage and performance. Some of the functionalities of the administrative portal are the following:
User management
Management of sports leagues
Soocer pools management
Statistics monitoring
Content update
Backend .NetCore 5.0 with Entity Framework Core
Sql Server database
Typescript, ReactJs, Redux-Toolkit, Ant Design

Main challenges
Integration with different sports data APIs
Ensure application compatibility on different mobile devices and platforms
Given the existence of various data sources, we chose to consolidate them into a single database, so that we would have a single source of truthful and reliable information to supply the application.
We decided to use a hybrid framework like React Native in order to have a single code base for the two main mobile platforms: Android and iOS.
Final result
A mobile application for those who seek to keep up to date with the results and news of soccer matches of all sports leagues, as well as participate in pools with their friends.